Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Photo A Day August - Days 24 to 28

We are nearing the end of August and for the first time ever with one of these challenges I have managed to actually keep up with it. I am so proud of myself! Considering how sick I have been this past month, and all the offline stuff I have been contending with, this is really quite amazing.

I am already on board for next months challenge by FatMumSlim, but before we get there.. the penultimate August selection.

Day 24 - Path. This is right outside our place.. yes we need to mow the lawn!

Day 25 - Fresh. Fresh coffee, mmmmmmmm

Day 26 - Dream. Just a little pencil scrawl with a bit of Picasa artistry.

Day 27 - Tap. A bit of Cross Process in Picasa (to hide any icky bits that might have been on my sink!)

Day 28 - Clock. This ended up way artier than intended after I had to crop some 'stuff' out! LOL

Only three days left! Join me next time for the wrap up of August.

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